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Bora Celik
Bora Celik
1 min read

Over the weekend, I built three AI agents for my Brand Architects podcast. They now save me several hours per week.

Normally, I spend a bunch of time researching the guest, coming up with relevant questions related to their (and their company's) background, make sure they would be educational for my audience.

Then, I'd use the transcript of our recording to develop detailed episode details for YouTube, Spotify, and Apple. Then, turn that into a blog post as well.

The aigents now do all of this.

Here's a demo:


I call this nightingale. If you'd like to try it for your podcast, reply to this email, and I'll give you access.

I built the aigents on top of my API that makes it relatively easier to create aigents via aigent templates.

Upcoming weekend projects:

finch: aigent that helps parents with personalized homeschooling (my wife's request)
loon: aigent that sends daily personalized local surf forecast (my request)

PS: aigencia, the agency of fully autonomous AI agents, is shaping up. The first set of aigents is for influencer marketing. So far, the aigents do deep brand research, find likely match influencers, do deep match analysis and scoring for those influencers, generate highly personalized emails to the high-match-score influencers based on brand-influencer match areas, and then send out those emails. All without the touch of a human. The next seven aigents will add more capabilities to this stack.


Bora Celik

Lifelong student of bringing original ideas to life. Surf nut. Founder @ / Subkit.

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