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Idea check

Bora Celik
Bora Celik
1 min read
Idea check
Idea check

$22M+ raised, 100+ VC pitches, 12 years as startup founder. I've learned a few things about ideas that can get big.

Is your idea worth building in 2025? The answer has changed.

I built an AI idea evaluator to help:

My scoring framework (each criteria: 0-2 points, 7/10 to pass):

  1. Network Effects: Each new user/data point exponentially increases platform value, creating defensibility that even AI cannot easily replicate.
  2. Unfair Advantage: Proprietary access to unique data, partnerships, or distribution channels that provide sustainable competitive edge despite AI democratization.
  3. Non-Obvious Insights: Novel understanding of user behaviors or market dynamics that others haven't recognized, enabling first-mover advantage in AI applications.
  4. Data as Moat: High-quality, proprietary datasets that improve AI model performance and create compounding advantages over time.
  5. Predictable Customer Acquisition: Reliable, repeatable go-to-market strategy with clear unit economics, essential as AI increases market efficiency.

Why traditional factors matter less:

  • Technology: AI democratization lowers technical barriers; differentiation now comes from application and data.
  • Team: AI tools enable smaller teams to achieve scale, reducing the importance of large specialized teams.

Building is easier than ever. Growing? That's the real challenge.


Bora Celik

Lifelong student of bringing original ideas to life. Surf nut. Founder @ / Subkit.

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